In this video, we talk with Dr. Alice Lee (Office Medical Director), Pat Adams (Practice Administrator), and Sarah Crislip (Clinical Supervisor) about their experience using the Omron HEM-907XL, automated blood pressure device in a previous study. Listed below are key points from the interview.
Dr. Lee liked that the machines had a built-in timer and calculator (calculating the mean of multiple measures) to accommodate for protocol changes, and she liked the device’s accuracy.
Sarah Crislip, mentioned that the Medical Assistants adapted to the changes to the screening protocol by carrying timers. Doing this allowed them to multitask while the device provided a five minute rest period and a series of three readings.
Pat Adams, advised other practices implementing similar screening protocols to be open to change. Pat and Dr. Lee emphasized the importance of adopting new practices and embracing change for helping patients achieve better outcomes.
Tips and tricks to know when using the protocol:
For shorter patients, make sure that you have a step stool on hand.
Sometimes chairs do not have armrests, you can place a book over the basket of the Omron to support a patient’s arm.
Plug in the Omron when it is left unattended. This will prevent losing a reading if it is left idle for too long (power saving feature).
If you receive an error code, refer to the sticker that identifies each error code on the side of the machine.
Hanging informational posters in the exam room helps to educate patients about proper blood pressure measurement technique and may reduce error.
Lastly, Pat Adams was very complimentary of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity team. She said that because they were so involved and attentive to the needs of their team, the folks at White Marsh always felt as though they could reach out and contact them with any questions or concerns. Pat Adams credits this positive relationship to sustaining the study long term.